
What the Fuck is Mesothelioma, Anyway? Facts, Symptoms & Information

Hello! If you are here, then you probably have some questions about mesothelioma. Hopefully, you’re not here because someone you know has unfortunately come down with a case of the mesothelioma, but because you’ve heard the word from shady-looking lawyers advertising their ambulance-chasing wares on commercials aired during daytime television. If you or someone you know may think you have something like mesothelioma, then you should get off this Content Bash website and go see a doctor like right fucking now. But if you’re just curious and want some basic questions answered, then you’ve come to the 4th-best place! Read on for facts about mesothelioma, perhaps the world’s most well-known obscure disease.

1. What the fuck is Mesothelioma?

According to our friends at the Mayo Clinic, Mesothelioma is a cancer of the mesothelial tissue that lines your lungs, heart, stomach, and other organs. The mesothelium itself is a thin layer of tissue that covers a lot of our internal organs and unfortunately, that layer can be effected by mesothelioma. It’s a lot more dangerous, than, say, picking your nose and eating your boogers.

2. What exactly is Pleural Mesothelioma?

Pleural mesothelioma is a specific kind of mesothelioma that pertains to the lungs. While mesothelioma can affect the lining of your abdomen and other organs, pleural mesothelioma is a cancer that forms in the tissues that cover your lungs. That cancer can unfortunately cause fluid to build up in the lungs — this is called pleural effusion — and making it much harder to breathe. According to the Cleveland Clinic, 75% of the 3,000 Americans diagnosed with mesothelioma every year are struck with pleural mesothelioma.

3. What the hell causes Mesothelioma?

According to our friends at the American Lung Association, scientist are not 100% certain what causes mesothelioma. However, it is believed there is a strong link between asbestos and mesothelioma, with eight (8) out of ten (10) people who have been diagnosed with the disease reporting a history with exposure to asbestos. This means people who work in professions that are susceptible to high levels of prolonged asbestos exposure — such as firefighters, miners, plumbers, insulation manufacturers, and factory workers — are at risk for mesothelioma.

4. What are the symptoms of Mesothelioma?

According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include shortness of breath, chest pain, weight loss, and painful coughing, as well as weird lumps of tissues underneath the surface of the skin on your chest. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are a bit different, with nausea and weight loss, along with abdominal swelling and pain.

5. What kind of people are at risk for Mesothelioma?

According to our friends at the Mayo Clinic, a person’s exposure to asbestos is the primary risk factor for catching mesothelioma. If a person were to hypothetically be working with asbestos and dust was created as a result, the asbestos fibers may find their way into the body via inhaling or swallowing and settle in the lungs or stomach. It can take a long time for the mesothelioma disease to develop after exposure — 20 to 60 years, in fact.

6. What is the life expectancy of someone with Mesothelioma?

Not very long, unfortunately. The survival rate for the ill-starred person with mesothelioma is usually four (4) to 18 months after the diagnosis, according to the smart folks at Penn Medicine, and the 5-year survival rate for mesothelioma patients is just 10%. However, Penn Medicine points out that this number is much better than it was 10 to 20 to 30 years ago, thanks to time’s greater understanding of the mesothelioma disease.

7. How the hell do you even pronounce Mesothelioma?

You say it: me-zoe-thee-lee-O-muh. Practice it over and over until you get it right, though if you ever were to unfortunately be diagnosed with mesothelioma, you’d probably learn how to pronounce it pretty quickly. Here is a YouTube video with audio to help you! Don’t forget to turn up the sound.

8. Is it important to have a sense of humor if I catch Mesothelioma?

Absolutely! The importance of a great sense humor when contracting a fatal disease like mesothelioma cannot be overstated. It can provide a much-needed sense of relief, foster a positive and supportive environment, and help individuals stay motivated and hopeful — especially during such a difficult emotional experience. In such a serious and somber situation, humor can play an important role in helping people cope and maintain a positive attitude. Like this hilarious t-shirt of an adorable sloth acting all slow and lethargic because he’s too consumed by his own mesothelioma! Like a sloth! I hope you never ever have reason to buy this shirt, tho.

Click on the picture of the shirt to buy the mesothelioma shirt!

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