Entertainment & CultureRock-n-Roll

Radiator Hospital’s Entire Discography is Only $3 on Bandcamp!

Simply put, Radiator Hospital is one of the best American rock-n-roll bands of the 21st century — which is saying a lot considering how much competition they have in their own city of Philadelphia, like Remember Sports, Kurt Vile, and The War on Drugs. If you are unaware of Radiator Hospital then you definitely should be aware of their amazingly generous bargain offer of their entire discography on Bandcamp for just $2.45 — that’s less than $3 and mere cents per song, many which are bangers. We cannot promise this offer is on the table forever but in the meantime click here for the direct link to Bandcamp. It’s the biggest bargain in rock-n-roll.

Who is Radiator Hospital?

Radiator Hospital is an indie rock band formed by songwriter and musician Sam Cook-Parrott. Based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the band has been active since 2010. Sam Cook-Parrott serves as the primary songwriter and vocalist for Radiator Hospital, and he is often accompanied by various rotating members in live performances and recordings. Radiator Hospital’s music is characterized by its heartfelt and emotive songwriting, blending elements of indie rock, pop-punk, and lo-fi aesthetics. Their lyrics often delve into personal experiences, relationships, and self-reflection, connecting with listeners through their relatable and vulnerable storytelling. The band gained attention with their debut album, Something Wild, released in 2010. Subsequent albums like Torch Song (2014) and Play the Songs You Like (2017) further solidified their reputation for crafting poignant and catchy indie rock songs. Radiator Hospital’s music has resonated with fans of DIY and indie music scenes, drawing praise for its sincerity and authenticity. They have become an important part of the contemporary indie rock landscape, garnering critical acclaim and a dedicated following for their emotionally charged and thought-provoking music.

Their most recent album Can’t Make Any Promises was recorded with Kyle Gilbride at Red Planet and released on May 25, 2023 on Salinas Records. The first single is the excellent “Yr Head,” which was animated and directed by Nick Berger.

Who plays in Radiator Hospital?

Philadelphia-based rock-n-roll band Radiator Hospital frontperson Sam Cook-Parrott does a lot of the heavy lifting and its other members include Cynthia Schemmer, Jeff Bolt, and Jon Rybicki. Past Radiator Hospital releases have included vocals from Katie Crutchfield, Allison Crutchfield, Elaiza Santos, and Maryn Jones. Also, we told an artificial intelligence art program to make an image of Radiator Hospital and it came up with this:

An artificially-generated image of Radiator Hospital, made from the keywords radiator + hospital

What other bands are Radiator Hospital affiliated with?

Sam Cook-Parrott has contributed to releases by Japanese Breakfast and Waxahatchee, while recording producer Kyle Gilbride, drummer Jeff Bolt, and Allison Crutchfield make up Swearin’, whose 2018 release Fall Into the Sun was put out by Merge Records. Twin sisters Katie and Allison Crutchfield formed P.S. Eliot and have released two (2) albums on Salinas Records, and Katie also performs solo as Waxahatchee. 

How many albums does Radiator Hospital have?

Radiator Hospital has six (6) full-length albums that include two (2) out-of-print (OOP) cassettes, as well as five (5) EPs and a number of split releases with bands like Martha and Sorority NoiseYou can buy them all for just a couple pennies a song on Bandcamp rn.

What bands are similar to Radiator Hospital?

If you dig the sounds of Radiator Hospital, then you may also like other indie rock-n-roll bands like Adult Mom, Frankie Cosmos, Hop Along, Snail Mail, and Sidney Gish. These bands share similarities with Radiator Hospital in terms of their DIY approach, emotionally charged lyrics, and their ability to create intimate and heartfelt indie rock music.

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